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Revision as of 16:59, 5 June 2024 by Dank420Girl (talk | contribs)
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Release 1.7.1 Date

Changelog 1.7.1 Release - Jun 20th 2024


  • Shards Release /shards - Shards is a new currency that will be used for many different things

Things to note: Shards are now awarded at a rate of 1 per 1000 Blocks Broken. Games now award shards at a rate of 1 per point. IE WoF Pink would give 10 shards.

Your accumulated Mine Booster Time will be automatically converted into tokens. Mine Booster Task has been removed until replaced with something else. Infinite Mine Booster Time Empowerment will be automatically refunded allowing player to choose something else Any Sources that would of provided Mine Booster Time will now award Shards

  • There is now 4 more additional set of crate tier upgrades past TMD -> Amnesia -> GodFather -> Resilient -> Eternal

Amnesia Crates will contain 42,255,773,353.79 Tokens and Items will salvage for 125,00,000 Tokens ea - Amnesia Pickaxe Contains Corkscrew 2 GodFather Crates will contain 182,544,940,888.37 Tokens and Items will salvage for 625,000,000 Tokens ea - GodFather Pickaxe Contains Corkscrew 3 Resilient Crates will contain 788,594,144,637.76 Tokens and Items will salvage for 3,125,000,000 Tokens ea - Resilient Pickaxe Contains Corkscrew 4 Eternal Crates will contain 3,406,726,704,835.12 Tokens and Items will salvage for 15,625,000,000 Tokens ea - Eternal Pickaxe Contains Corkscrew 5

New Crates Cannot be mined only upgraded to.


  • Lots of settings have changed you will likely need to reconfigure your settings.
  • Auto Salvage Menu and Settings have had some slight changes
  • /s autosalvage - now opens the Auto Salvage Settings Menu instead of toggleing on / off autosalvage globally
  • Auto Salvage no longer has a global on / off button or setting.
  • Added more information AS settings butons to hopefully make it more clear what enabling the setting will do
  • Auto Salvage Settings will be reset to all Disabled. If you want to enable autosalvage for crates you will need to re-enable specific crates you want autosalvaged.
  • Added a 5 second relog cooldown
  • Improved Daily Bonus to now also have a Login Event to check players.
  • Online Player Amount / Vote Party Info has moved from the Scoreboard to Tab List
  • SunRise and Eclipse Lines have moved to the DankPrison Title in scoreboard to make way for other scoreborad changes.

Pink = Night
Blue = Day

  • Experimental Full Async Player Logins. Currently only certain aspects of the player login are async this change makes every aspect of the player login async meaning it does not lock the main thread
  • Base Mine Reset Timer has been reduced from 180 to 90 seconds
  • Each Private Mine now increases mine reset time from 5 to 10 seconds
  • Private DL+ now has a 10 second flat cooldown instead of changing based on donator rank.
  • Improved Spiral's Block Price Calculation code to be more efficient and run less overall calculations
  • TMD Items now salvage for 25,000,000 Tokens ea up from 15,000,000
  • New Dank+ Donator Channels - "CrateLuckHistory" and "KeyLuckHistory" these channels will spit out % found information allowing you to see player histories
  • EXPExchanger 6 can now be refunded allowing you to upgrade to expexchanger 7
  • TMD Crates are now affected by all the same bonuses as 2ndDankest crates are (Event Bonus, SFVOG, ChampionFrenzy + EMP, cratedoubler artifact, +1 rare crate)
  • Changed the AFK Kick method to kick at velocity level rather than server level.
  • Recoded Player Crash Detection Code to rely on protocollib instead of packetevents to eliminate an external api
  • Testing Experimental Spiral Recode - Currently Spiral relies on minecrafts built in methods for removing blocks which is inherently slow, clunky and has no editability. The new Expiremental code I've written relies on packet manipulation and interfacing directly with the minecraft world to remove blocks incredibly fast and update player client with changes faster making spiral function much more smoothly.

Spiral's functionality will change in Private Mines meaning only you will see your block breaks in private mines. This change massively reduces the overall bandwidth required to play dank prison as you will no longer be receiving everyone elses block updates aswell. Block Change Packets will also be grouped together to create multi packets to reduce the overall number of packets being sent

  • Lowered DL+ Block Break cooldown by 30%
  • Escalation and Upsurge Enchant Removal - The Bonuses these enchants provide are now directly integrated into player rankups giving master players more tokens to spend on other enchants and making the rankup process much easier to understand. Mining with a pickaxe containing these enchants will trigger an automatic enchant refund.

Your Prison Rank Bonuses are now combined together to create your Multipliers making the Max Multipliers 2,100x and 2,100%

  • Multipliers are no longer earned through Rankup, Vote, and Prestige Keys. They no longer give multipliers and now only award tokens. This means Rankup++, Vote++, and Prestige+ Key rewards now have linear token rewards making upgrading them no longer a determent to upgrade too from lower tier keys
  • CrateLuck Changes - Crate Lucks ability to choose crates now changes depending on your prison rank.

Champion / Royal / Knight Player = MOG, IMM, TD, T2D, TMD
Master Player = MOG, IMM

KeyLuck Changes - Key Lucks ability to choose crates now changes depending on your prison rank.

Champion / Royal / Knight Player = M, M+, M++, C, C+, C++, K, K+, K++, R, R+, R++
Master Player = M, M+, C

  • KBP now comes enabled by default with all settings enabled (You will need to fix your existing settings if you have any)
  • CBP now comes disabled by default with all settings disabled (You will need to fix your existing settings if you have any)
  • KBP and CBP no longer have Global On / Off buttons. If a setting is enabled it's on.
  • LuckyMoney Values increased from 100k, 250k, 500k to 100m, 250m, 500m
  • MasterMoney Values increased from 1m, 2.5m, 5m to 1b, 2.5b, 5b
  • ChampionMoney Values increased from 100m, 250m, 500m to 100b, 250b, 500b
  • Added new setting /s cbp opens CBP Settings Menu
  • Added new setting /s kbp opens KBP Settings Menu
  • /co now Opens CrateOpener Settings Menu instead of toggling CrateOrganizer
  • /ko now Opens KeyOpener Settings Menu instead of toggling KeyOrganizer
  • /crateopener and /keyopener no longer have global On / Off buttons. If a specific crate / key setting is enabled it's active.
  • Added Rank Sell Multiplier information to /pm to hopefully better explain what bonuses make up your multiplier
  • SouthKeep OutPost now only provides chances up to TMD Crate. Amnesia, GodFather, Resilient, and Eternal crates cannot provide double tokens.
  • Multiplier information has been moved to wiki. /warp mines will be replaced with a hologram to wiki page as there's much more info required. Wiki page will be located at https://wiki.dankprison.com/wiki/Multipliers
  • After 30d+ of player inactivity your Private Mine will now become recycled and reset to it's default form for someone else to claim. You will be able to recreate your Private Mine but it will be in a different location if your Private Mine gets recycled.
  • 30d+ Inactivity Private Mine Reset will take place when the server reaches 4,000+ Private Mines to reduce unnecessary Private Mine Creations.

General Fixes

  • Fixed Token Amount in scoreboard showing incorrect numbers when under 1 Token
  • Fixed Convoy, Emblem, and VotePoints Pet showing as Max level 11 in the Champion Pet Combine Menu
  • Fixed Auto-Miner Global Event Discord Broadcast containing colors codes
  • Fixed EXPExchanger 6 not being upgradeable to EXPExchanger 7 via automatic combine system
  • Fixed Money displaying incorrect numbers when money amount is under 1k in the 1 minute mining summaries
  • Fixed Gang Menu not properly displaying Bedrock player heads
  • Fixed Achievements sometimes showing incorrect stats after a reset
  • Fixed Salvaging ++ and +++ Pets not providing the correct amount of pet stones
  • Fixed a Ghost Block Issue on older minecraft versions that allowed players to break blocks outside the mine on their screens
  • Fixed Client Sided Durability Loss on pickaxe when mining on minecraft versions 1.8-1.10.2. Some Durability loss will still occur but it should self restore durability when getting close enough to blocks to trigger block break actions.


  • Sell and Token Multiplier Time Removal - Everyone now has infinite Sell and Token Multipliers. Any existing time will be automatically converted into tokens. Sell and Token Multiplier pets will become vanity items and no longer obtainable.
  • Mine Booster has been removed, everyone now has 50% bonus mine booster used to provide.