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Revision as of 07:25, 21 September 2024 by Dank420Girl (talk | contribs)
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Release 1.8.1 Date

Changelog 1.8.1 Release - Sept 20th 2024


  • Added 3 new Knight+ Artifact Types - These 3 new Artifacts are purchased from ArtifactDave using Artifact Powder - requires Knight Rank to buy them.
  • ExtraMomentum Artifact - Cost 10 AP ea - ExtraMomentum provides a 1% chance stackable to 100% to provide an additional +1 Momentum when found from mining (Cannot be Doubled)
  • ExtraDragonEgg Artifact - Cost 8 AP ea - ExtraDragonEgg provides a 1% chance stackable to 100% to provide an additional DragonEgg when found (Cannot be Doubled)
  • ExtraRelic Artifact - Cost 8 AP ea - ExtraRelic provides a 1% chance stackable to 100% to provide an additional Relic when found (Cannot be Doubled)

ExtraDragonEgg and ExtraRelic Artifacts will also be appliable to Fishing Rods.

  • Added 11 new Royal Enchants
  • MoreRankup - Max Level 100 - Provides one additional rankup on RR activation. Base cost of 80m, increases by 80m per level with a total cost of 404b.
  • MorePrestige - Max Level 100 - Provides one additional prestige on RP activation. Base cost of 120m increases by 120m per level with a total cost of 606b.
  • MoreMaster - Max Level 100 - Provides one additional master on RM activation. Base cost of 160m, increases by 160m per level with a total cost of 808b.
  • MoreChampion - Max Level 100 - Provides one additional champion on RC activation. Base cost of 320m, increases by 320m per level with a total cost of 1.616T.
  • RoyalMiner - Max Level 9 - each providing 1 additional block per swing. Base cost of 100b, increases by 100b per level with a total cost of 4.5T Tokens.
  • Oddity - Max Level 20 - Provides 1 additional second to anomaly procs per level. Base cost being 100b, increases by 100b per level with a total cost of 21T.
  • Glimmer - Max Level 20 - Provides 1 additional second to shimmer procs per level. Base cost being 100b, increases by 100b per level with a total cost of 21T.
  • QuintLevel - Max Level 1 - Quintuples the amount of fortune given from Leveler and Clever. Instead of getting +1 you'd get +5 with this enchant. 1 level costing 1T.
  • FortuneTeller - Max Level 100 - Provides a 1% chance per level to double the fortune received from leveler and clever. Base cost of 100b, increases by 10b per level with a total cost of 59.5T
  • RoyalTokens - Max Level 3 - Provides chances to find additional Tokens while mining, Level 1 = 160 tokens, Level 2 = 160 and 320 tokens, Level 3 = 160, 320, and 640 Tokens. Base cost of 50b, increases by 100b per level with a total cost of 450b.
  • RankupFanatic - Max level 50 - provides 1% chance per level to double blocks counted towards goals per swing. Base cost of 100b, increases by 50b per level, total cost of 66.25T


  • ExtraKnight Royal Enchant lore color has been changed to red to match Royal Color. Players with pink lore will need to refund enchant and rebuy it to change it to red.

General Fixes

  • Improved Scoreboard Teams System to use less packets and still work the same


  • Deleted Party and Friends system since almost no one uses them.