Pet Exchange

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Revision as of 16:39, 14 August 2024 by R0ro5768 (talk | contribs) (Adding /epex and empowerments)
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Pet Exchange

The most common way to obtain Pets is to exchange them for crates through the pet exchanger.

Pet Exchange Info

  • Pet Exchange Cooldowns Resets Weekly. (Sunday 00:00 /servertime)

Pet Exchangable Items

  • 2x MasterOG Crates / 1x Any Pet = 1x pet
  • 1x Any Pet = 1x MasterOG Crate
  • All players can perform 3 of these exchanges per week (Cannot Exchange Pets to MasterOG Crates Pre M1 Rank)
  • PEX Limit Increase empowerment provide 1 additional exchange per week

Exclusive Pet Exchangable Items

  • 2x Immortal Crates / 1x Any exclusive Pet = 1x pet
  • All players can perform 1 of these exchanges per week
  • EPEX Limit Increase empowerment provide 1 additional exchange per week


Command Description
/pex Open's the Pet Exchange Menu
/epex Open's the Exclusive Pet Exchange Menu