Champion & Knight Guide

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Early Champion Guide

This is where you prepare for late champ gameplay.

  • First of all, you want to fish.
    • Fish until you can afford Spiral 108 and Abundance 500
    • Once you get Abundance 500, mine for tokens until you can afford RandomMoney 250k and elevate 100.
  • Once you get RandomMoney 250k you can then start focusing on ranking up.
    • This is where you will start using RandomRankups and Auto Rankups
      • Random Rankups: Start with 1 level in random rankup, random prestige, and random master. Slowly increase random rankup until level 100, then invest in 25 double rankup. At this point you can then invest in 200 random rankup, followed by 25 double rankup. Followed by 300 random rankup, then 100 double rankup.
      • Autorankups: Autorankups allow you to instantly ./mr to a set amount upon hitting a new prestige or master. These are the recommended settings: ./ar prestige X and an ./ar master between P35-60
      • How to calculate autorankup numbers:
        • (number of prestiges)x27+(number of rankups)
        • P50 X for example (50)x27+23 = ./ar master 1373
  • Follow the Empowerment Guide
  • Optimise your money during CF: Get rid of enchants that are not money related and enchant random money and its related enchants. Use PB, NM, Nog set with the CF, double effect PB empowerments.

Late Champion Guide

This section of the guide becomes applicable once prestigious provides you with better money growth than random money.

  • Remove all Random Money related enchants.
  • Optimise your money during CF: Get rid of enchants that are not money related and enchant prestigious. Use PB, NM, Nog set with the CF, double effect PB empowerments.
  • Invest in Artifact Miner over all other bottom-layer champion enchants. Only invest in those enchants once your prestigious is 25k (if you even get anywhere near this by K1).
  • Use money generated from your CF to pay for M25-35 after a new champion, then use aggressive auto rankups eg: P50-80 X or Z
  • At lower Masters using a lower prestige and Z is better, at a higher Master use a higher prestige but X, this is more cost efficient.
  • Use RandomRankup and DoubleRankup
  • 1 level RandomPrestige and RandomMaster (look at the Knight section for justification)
  • Spiral, either level 117 or 126. This mostly depends on your depth level and if you can afford it.
  • DO NOT SAVE MONEY FOR KNIGHT. You can make significantly more money in 1 CF at K1 due to Anomaly than you could ever make while in champ.
  • Keep in mind that Ktals are super important for Knight, so if your goal is to play Knights after, then automining for playtime achievements is advised if possible.

Knight Guide

By the time you get to Knight, you need to start thinking for yourself more…which is why I think there are principles Knight players should start to think about and understand…

  • Knight talents are super valuable, focusing on how to get as many as possible in the shortest amount of time will enable you to progress much faster.
  • Ranking up is super valuable to pickaxe growth, it provides you millions of keys which gets you Ktals, and a LOT of tokens.
  • Optimise your money during CF: Get rid of enchants that are not money related, and calculate your reverberate/prestigious combination. Use PB, NM, Nog set with the CF, double effect PB empowerments. Mine in DLP with anomaly active, this is an easy cash boost (you would be surprised just how much).
  • Double anomaly Ktal is goated.


  • Use CF to generate money to pay for your masters after you champion, use random rankup but NOT random prestige/master to then grind up to the next champ.
  • Use anomaly over shimmer until you can create a combined pickaxe with 25-33+ levels of both enlightenment and reverberate.
  • You will generate most of your tokens from ranking up due to the keys.
  • While you are below C35, fish for Ktals instead of wasting blocks towards your random knight, and use CF to bulk ./mr
  • Focus on getting Ktals as quickly as possible.
  • Always triple your random champs and masters; it saves you an incredible amount of money.

(Please read the rest for justifications and more details and advice)

Top Tips:

  1. Do NOT save bulk amounts of money:
    1. Fundamental Logic:
      1. Every champ takes the same number of rankups (a constant), but for every champ, it increases in cost rapidly (the multiplier), this means the longer you save money, the more you devalue it as it will get you fewer rankups. It becomes devalued as random rankups will still occur while you are ‘grinding to save money’ and you're losing out on vast amounts of money you could have saved by having random rankups at a much higher rank than by staying at a lower rank.
    2. Should I save money for a new Knight?
      1. The bulk rankups you do after you hit a new Knight should come from CF money. As it reduces the blocks wasted towards your random knight. As CF is constrained to twice a day and isn't an infinite feature, I see no reason to save money for a new Knight as you have no way to increase the rate of CF and money made from mining without CF becomes negligible in comparison (a waste of blocks) especially when you are just using bulk ./mr .You can use time between CFs to grind fishing ktals instead.
    3. Why should I not save money for a new knight when the guide suggests I should use Anomaly over Shimmer?
      1. The money you generate from Anomaly outside of CFs is still significant and this money will help you pay for aggressive ./ar settings to help you maximise your blocks mined to rankups. However it is much slower than what a 15-minute CF can provide you, and therefore you should see it as money you should break even with.
      2. Another reason: Ranking up with the money you would have saved allows you to have a higher token gain increase from keys, increasing the amount of money you can mine. If you had saved this money you wouldn't have any of this token gain, and therefore it would have taken you longer to mine the same amount of money as you were preventing pickaxe growth.
    4. Grinding for money outside of CF/ if you have run out of money but still want to mine:
      1. If you miss CF or simply wish to make a large amount of money without waiting, using a CF pickaxe setup, with frenzy, PB and NM+Nog active will still provide you with a good income. However, for the most optimum strategy, you should then use this money to pay for the start of your champions, and then use a combination of rankups and anomaly to burn through it, roughly gaining you a champ every 3 million blocks. However, you still shouldn't save up more money than you can burn through in a day or 2 because it starts becoming devalued.
      2. For this to be efficient you will need to stretch your money further. You can do this by lowering the Master you go to after a new champion and lowering your ./ar settings.
  2. Saving money for a new champ:
    1. Do not bother below C35-45 as the rankups are so cheap you can bulk rankup from CF money alone. Use time between these CFs to fish, as Ktals are super valuable and you don't want to waste blocks towards your next random knight.
    2. After C35-45, You take your CF money and use that money to pay for around M50-M80 (depending on how much you make from CF and how much you can mine in that day) and use randoms to get you to the next champ, do not however save money from outside of CF for this as it becomes pointless due to the fundamental logic.
    3. Breaking even is the most optimum strategy for maximising profit and rankups.
  3. RandomRankups What to get:
    1. RandomRankup 300, DoubleRankup 100, ExtraRankup 100 (I would hope I don't need to explain why)
    2. DO NOT get more than 1 level of Random/Double/Extra Prestige/Master/Champ/Knight
      1. Why? You can make more money to pay for more rankups in much fewer blocks using anomaly while mining than you can by using these enchants due to the amount of tokens these enchants cost.
        1. Only consider investing in these enchants once you have max prestigious, and reverberate 33, and even then I would be cautious as there are potentially better investments.
      2. Not convinced, here is another reason. If you MR to M75, and use a somewhat aggressive rankup strat, getting to the next champ should only take you between 3-4 million blocks, in this time you would only get 1 random master proc, which is not worth it compared to the amount of money you could have made instead, obviously keeping 1 level will still allow you to benefit somewhat from saving money without spending vast amounts of your tokens.
  4. Should I be using Enlightened (Shimmer):
    1. Shimmer when active will increase the BASE rate of crates, which is then multiplied by your enlightenment level. The double shimmer Ktal, therefore doubles that BASE rate and therefore doesn’t actually double your crates. Unless you can get your enlightenment level to around 30 with Ktals in the proc rates, shimmer is extremely limited for token growth. Low Knight players will therefore have much better token growth by using anomaly and ranking up as quickly as possible due to the tokens from keys and unlocking new achievements.
      1. Global events actually also work by increasing the BASE rate, so using shimmer with enlightenment 25 is like having a global event active when shimmer is proceed, which if you pay attention to your crates is often more of a 5-10% increase for those 10-20 seconds, which isn’t necessarily worthwhile.
    2. Potentially using enlightened with shimmer during global events if you have all the outposts and the empowerments might be worthwhile, however, I would still be cautious if below enlightenment 30-35. Once your pickaxe worth is able to support high money gain at a constant rate, investing in 10 levels of shimmer but 0 enlightened isn't a bad idea.
    3. You should also want a high sac bonus on either purple/sfvog set before using enlightened.
    4. Obviously use shimmer & enlightened on x2 events, as the multiplier is worthwhile.
  5. Please use Sya’s calculator to work out your optimum reverberate/prestigious.
    1. You're an idiot if you don’t maximise this.
  6. AutoRankup Settings
    1. For the lazy miner:
      1. Use CF money to mr to about M50-M80
      2. Use aggressive prestige rankups: ./ar master P50-P80
      3. Use ./ar prestige V as it will save you a lot of money (8.5 times cheaper)
    2. For the mad miners (honestly just wouldn’t bother):
      1. Use CF money to mr to about M30-M50
      2. This is where you need to pay a lot of attention to your money, and rank. For the very low Masters be super aggressive P95 V/Y, once you get to around M45 lower it to around P85 V/Y, M55 P80 V, M60 P75 Y etc. Make sure you are breaking even. This is just a guide, you can obviously simplify it, and change your ./ars much less often.
        1. Honestly, I wouldn’t bother below K10 as it is just too much effort for the limited value it provides.
  7. Should I use both enlightened and reverberate?
    1. If you maximise one or the other you will have a much better return than if you use a combination. I would only start considering using both reverberate and enlightenment once you have closer to max Ktals and can afford 33 levels of reverberate and 25 levels of enlightenment. Obviously, this is an ever-changing picture, but I can’t see it being valuable until around 3 trillion + pickaxe worth.
  8. Enchants that are just not worth it until disposable tokens, 25k prest & 33 reverberate
    1. LuckyKeyFinder - you just aren't going to make many tokens at all from using this enchant as there are way more powerful ways of generating tokens and the cost isn't beneficial at low pickaxe worths. It also isn’t going to generate anywhere near enough keys to be noticeable towards your ktals, as the amount of keys you get from ranking up makes it negligible.
    2. BlockIncrementer & BlockChanneler - not very valuable until you have the Ktals, and also not cost-beneficial.
    3. There are more champion enchants that you would rather invest in first before these Knight enchants such as ArtifactFinder, MomentumFinder & DragonEggFinder.

This guide was created by CaitlinDeCat with the support/advice of Loot_Gobbler and SyafiqGaming, and proofread by FlamingBird101.