Auto Miner

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Revision as of 15:31, 8 January 2022 by Svndays (talk | contribs)
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Auto Miner

Dank Prison utilizes a custom AutoMiner System created specifically for Dank Prison that is unlike any other server.

AutoMiner Working .png

How to Obtain Auto Miner Time

  • AutoMiner Time can be earned from AutoMiner Pet while Mining, Fishing, AutoMining, or OverDriving
  • AutoMiner Time can be earned from Voting /vote
  • AutoMiner Time can be earned from Wheel of Fortune /wof
  • AutoMiner Time can be earned from Plinko /plinko
  • AutoMiner Time can be earned from Slots /slots
  • AutoMiner Time can be earned from Daily Bonus /db
  • AutoMiner Time can be earned from Vote Party and Donation Party Crates
  • AutoMiner Time can be bought from Store or obtained from Weekly AutoMiner Package in Store /buy

Auto Miner Info

  • To start AutoMiner you must click the button inside one of 3 AutoMiner regions which can be accessed in the /warps menu
  • AutoMiner is an automated mining task that allows you continue earning stuff within the server while you are AFK doing hopefully other IRL things.
  • AutoMiner scales based on your Pickaxe Enchants. More Enchants and Levels the better.
  • OverDrive is a special type of Auto Miner that doubles the % for all rewards found in OverDrive allowing you to potentially find awesome loot faster.
  • If you are Verified on Discord Auto Miner can automatically alert you when you get disconnected while using am
  • AutoMiner Automatically Stops when you run out of inventory space
  • You cannot be AFK Kicked while using Auto Miner


Command Description
/am Shows your own AutoMiner balance
/am bal <player> Allows you to view AutoMiner balance of other Players
/am start Allows you to start AutoMiner without clicking the button. (Still requires you to be in the AutoMiner Region)
/am start <amount> Allows set AutoMine to run for specified amount of time. (Still requires you to be in the AutoMiner Region)
/am <amount> Allows you to set a Timer that will make AutoMiner run for set amount of time or until you run out of AM Time
/am clear Clears your Set AM Timer
/am stop Allows you to Stop Active AM
/od Shows your own OverDrive balance
/od bal <player> Allows you to view OverDrive balance of other Players
/od start Allows you to start OverDrive without clicking the button. (Still requires you to be in the AutoMiner Region)
/od start <amount> Allows set OverDrive to run for specified amount of time. (Still requires you to be in the AutoMiner Region)
/od <amount> Allows you to set a Timer that will make OverDrive run for set amount of time or until you run out of OD Time
/od clear Clears your Set OD Timer
/od stop Allows you to Stop Active OD
/ham start Allows you to activate Hyperautominer uses 2 seconds of autominer time (does not get effected by am event*) (Requires TD rank or higher)
/ham start <amount> Allows you to run Hyper AM for set amount of seconds (Requires TD rank or higher)
/ham stop Allows you to Stop Hyperautominer
/wam Claim 2hrs of Auto-Miner (1w Cooldown)(Requires Purchasing Weekly Autominer Via DankPrison Store /buy)