Enchant Guide

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Pickaxe Guide

Basic Explanation

Steps Description
Step 1 Upgrade crates to obtain higher tier pickaxes. Fortune is gained from opening higher tier crates than your current pickaxe. Your Pickaxe will automatically upgrade when you open new higher tier crate than your current pickaxe.
Step 2 Fortune plays a massive part in progression. You should aim for an Event Pickaxe /ecw or OG Pickaxe /cw for starting out and then slowly increment upgrading through pickaxe tiers to the highest tier pickaxe.
Step 3 Build MasterOG Crates to buy Pets from /exchange Upgrade pets to Max Level and /petcombine them to create + Pets (You can also convert pets to MOG Crates in /exchange)

Important stuff

Combined / Auto-Upgraded Pickaxes to transfer Momentum, Enchants, and Manually added Artifacts. Use artifacts on your pickaxe as you gain them.

Everyone has 100% token refund. You can refund Enchants in /ce or refund all tokens using /rce all

You can Salvage Extra Gear and Pickaxes for Tokens using /salvage and /sa

You can Upgrade Crates to a Higher Tier by combining 4x of the same Crates or use /upgrade


Gangs provide massive bonuses. Be sure to join a Gang as soon as possible using /gang. You will want to join the highest level gang you can get into as they provide more bonuses.

Basic Enchants

Steps Enchant What it does
Step 1 Fortune Fortune should gained through upgrading crates to get Pickaxes from higher Tier Crates
Step 2 Spiral to level 15 Allows you to break 1 more block per level. More Blocks Broken Per Swing = More Tokens, Money, and Rewards
Optional Jump Everyone has access to Fly. This Enchant is mainly used for getting Convoys in PvP
Optional Haste Removes Mining Animation at Max Level. Max level of 1
Step 5 Tokensper10 Gives .1 tokens for every 10 blocks mined - Mine 1m blocks = 100k Tokens
Step 6 LuckyMining 3 Chance to find 1, 2, 3 tokens while mining
Step 7 Exp Exchanger 5 Exchanges Exp for tokens automatically. Level 1 = 35 EXP, Level 2 = 30 EXP, Level 3 = 25 EXP, Level 4 = 20 EXP, Level 5 = 15 EXP
Optional Implants Replenishes Food as you mine.
Step 9 Spiral to level 25 Allows you to break 1 more block per level. More Blocks Broken Per Swing = More Tokens, Money, and Rewards
Step 10 LuckyTokens 3 Chance to find tokens in 10, 20, or 30 increments based on level
Optional Speed Provides run Speed Increase
Step 12 LuckyCrate 3 Chance to find more Crates while Mining
Step 13 LuckyKeys to level 4 Chance to find mine, rankup, vote, and ultramine keys while mining
Step 14 Spiral to level 35 Allows you to break 1 more block per level. More Blocks Broken Per Swing = More Tokens, Money, and Rewards
Step 15 LuckyMoney 3 Chance to find 100k at level 1, 250k at level 2, and 500k at level 3
Step 16 Leveler Automatically levels up fortune in 1 level increments
Step 17 LuckyKeys to level 9 Chance to find prestige, master, champion, knight, and royal keys while mining
Step 18 ExpMultiplier Doubles Exp Gained from mining
Step 19 OreMultiplier 4 Increases Sell Value of Blocks by 25% per level.
Step 20 Plentitude 5 Chance to double tokens on that swing. 1% per level, max of 5%
Step 21 Multitude 5 Chance to double money on that swing. 1% per level, max of 5%
Step 22 SunRise to level 10 Provides a 1% Sell Bonus Increase per Level of SunRise while Spawn is DayTime.
Step 23 Spiral to level 45 Allows you to break 1 more block per level. More Blocks Broken Per Swing = More Tokens, Money, and Rewards
Step 24 LuckyKeys to level 18 Chance to find all the + keys while mining
Step 25 Prestigious to level 50 Provides a 1% Sell Bonus Increase per Level of Prestigious
Step 26 SunRise to level 20 Provides a 1% Sell Bonus Increase per Level of SunRise while Spawn is DayTime.
Step 27 Spiral to level 60 Allows you to break 1 more block per level. More Blocks Broken Per Swing = More Tokens, Money, and Rewards
Step 28 Prestigious to level 250 Provides a 1% Sell Bonus Increase per Level of Prestigious
Step 29 Spiral to level 65 Allows you to break 1 more block per level. More Blocks Broken Per Swing = More Tokens, Money, and Rewards
Step 30 Frenzy Small Chance to activate Frenzy increasing Money made from Mining by 2x for everyone online that has enchant at a rate of 15 Seconds per Level of Frenzy
Step 31 Rampage Small Chance to activate Frenzy increasing Tokens made from Mining by 2x for everyone online that has enchant at a rate of 15 Seconds per Level of Rampage


By this time you should have acquired enough fortune to gain some Empowerments via /emp - There is no choosing wrong empowerments, but based on your playstyle, some might be better suited than others. You can see a recommended list in the Champion & Knight Guide. All Empowerments provide unique boosts. Read over them and pick the ones that will apply to you the best. You can reset Empowerments at any time using Dempowerment Cookies which are obtainable from store or from Artifact Dave

Master Enchants

It's up to you to figure out how to progress from here.

Pro Tip Once you have enough pure worth for RandomMoney 100k + Enhancer + Frenzy + Spiral You refund all enchants on your pickaxe to buy it. Once you can have RandomMoney 100k+Enhancerr+Frenzy+Spiral you will get Champion rank pretty quickly.

Dank Prison is all about theory crafting. This Guide ends at Master Rank. At this point it's up to you to figure out the rest. Communicate with others to figure out the best way to progress, or try new things and figure it out.

Random Money Enchant

Random money Enchant gives 1 dollar per level as a base amount, and the cost increases by 1 token per level. The base amount is the multiplied by another amount, depending on what tier you are in. Note: it is not recommended to buy random money until you can afford 100,000 levels of it, totaling 5,000,050,000 tokens.

You can view how much you'd make at a specific RandomMoney Level using /randommoney <level>

Level Random Money Bonus
Greater than/equal to Random Money Level 10 Multiplies base money by 100. Money with no modifiers = $10,000
Greater than/equal to Random Money Level 100 Multiplies base money by 1,000. Money with no modifiers = $1,000,000
Greater than/equal to Random Money Level 1000 Multiplies base money by 10,000. Money with no modifiers = $100,000,000
Greater than/equal to Random Money Level 10000 Multiplies base money by 100,000. Money with no modifiers = $10,000,000,000
Greater than/equal to Random Money Level 50000 Multiplies base money by 1,000,000. Money with no modifiers = $500,000,000,000
Greater than/equal to Random Money Level 75000 Multiplies base money by 10,000,000. Money with no modifiers = $7,500,000,000,000
Greater than/equal to Random Money Level 100000 Multiplies base money by 100,000,000. Money with no modifiers = $100,000,000,000,000
Greater than/equal to Random Money Level 250000 Multiplies base money by 1,000,000,000. Money with no modifiers = $2,500,000,000,000,000

Misc Pickaxe Enchants

Event Pickaxe Enchants

  • Valentines Event - HeartAttack - Chances Spiral Particles to Hearts Effect
  • Cinco De Mayo Event - ParticleTransmutation - Chances Spiral Particles to Dragon Breath Effect
  • St. Patricks Event - LuckyGold - Provides a 1% chance to double money for swing it procs on


Depth is a special enchant that can only be bought with Artifact Powder at David in Spawn. Each level of depth adds another layer to Spiral (+9 Additional Blocks per swing per level of Depth).

Depth Level Price Description
Depth 1 150 Artifact Powder Adds +9 Blocks Broken Per Swing - Allows for 125% Sell and 110% Token, Lucky Block, and LuckyBlock+ Artifact Cap
Depth 2 250 Artifact Powder Adds +18 Blocks Broken Per Swing - Allows for 150% Sell and 120% Token, Lucky Block, and LuckyBlock+ Artifact Cap
Depth 3 500 Artifact Powder Adds +27 Blocks Broken Per Swing - Allows for 175% Sell and 130% Token, Lucky Block, and LuckyBlock+ Artifact Cap
Depth 4 750 Artifact Powder Adds +36 Blocks Broken Per Swing - Allows for 200% Sell and 140% Token, Lucky Block, and LuckyBlock+ Artifact Cap
Depth 5 1000 Artifact Powder Adds +45 Blocks Broken Per Swing - Allows for 225% Sell and 150% Token, Lucky Block, and LuckyBlock+ Artifact Cap
Depth 6 1500 Artifact Powder Adds +54 Blocks Broken Per Swing - Allows for 250% Sell and 160% Token, 150% Lucky Block, and 150% LuckyBlock+ Artifact Cap


Corkscrew is a special enchant that comes on TheMostDankest Pickaxe. Each level of corkscrew adds another layer (Adds +9 Blocks Broken Per Swing) to spiral.


Momentum is a special enchant that can only be found by mining. While mining, you might find a Momentum Page. Applying this page to a pick adds momentum levels to your pick. The amount of momentum levels per page depends on certain bonuses.

Each level of momentum on your pickaxe increases the overall sell value by .1% while the enchant is active.

To activate the enchant, you must mine until the momentum counter on certain scoreboards /sb is above 250. This goes up infinitesimally. Once you stop mining, the counter drops by 5 points per second. Once your Momentum Counter drops below 250 momentum, the enchant will deactivate and will no longer provide additional sell bonus.

Momentum has infinite levels.

Mimic Enchant levels

Level 1: Leveler

Level 2: Depth 1

Level 3: Lucky Keys

Level 4: Random Money

Level 5: Rampage

Level 6: Frenzy


Once you have 100% of all the base artifacts (100% sell, token, luckyblock, and luckyblock+), you can go to Artifact Dave at spawn and get this enchant for free. This enchant removes the limiter on normal champion keys found via mining, allowing you to find your maximum allowed amount of keys.

Fishing Rod Guide

This one is a bit easier. Fishing can get you a lot of tokens, but you have to put a decent amount of tokens into a rod to even begin getting tokens. I would recommend not fishing until after M1 and you have at least lure 3

There are now premium fishing rods. You can get a MOG, Immortal, TD, or TMD fishing rod from their respective crates. They come with a 5%, 15%, 25%, and 30% fishing artifacts. Fishing artifacts give either 1% chance to double crates or 1% chance to double keys.

Screenshot 19.png
Enchant What it does
Key Finder Finds better keys
Key Doubler 2.5% chance per level to double keys. Max of 25%
Crate Finder Finds better crates
Crate Doubler 2.5% chance per level to double crates. Max of 25%
Lure Decreases time need to catch fish. 5 second decrease per level
LuckyKeys++ Gives you a chance to fish ++ keys. In this order, based on level: Mine, Rankup, Vote, Ultramine, Prestige, Master, Champion, Knight, Royal


ExtraFish is a fishing rod enchant that can be purchased from DragonEgg Tom. Each level provides additional benefits to your rod. See below.

Depth Level Price Description
ExtraFish 1 50 Dank Dust Provides +1 extra fish and 20% chance to double fished Keys / Crates
ExtraFish 2 75 Dank Dust Provides +2 extra fish and 40% chance to double fished Keys / Crates
ExtraFish 3 100 Dank Dust Provides +3 extra fish and 60% chance to double fished Keys / Crates
ExtraFish 4 150 Dank Dust Provides +4 extra fish and 80% chance to double fished Keys / Crates
ExtraFish 5 200 Dank Dust Provides +5 extra fish and 100% chance to double fished Keys / Crates

Sword Enchants

This is just explaining the enchants. Everybody has a different style, so get these in whatever order you want to.

Enchant What it does
Leech 5% chance to steal a heart from your enemy, 1 per level. Max 3 hearts per proc
Infect 5% chance to apply poison to your enemy for 5 seconds. Poison 1 = Level 1, Poison 2 = Level 2, Poison 3 = Level 3
Inhibitor Small chance to stop your enemy from regening health for 2 seconds. Max level 3
Entangle Small chance to entangle your enemy, stopping them from moving for 1 second per level, max level 3.
Grounded Disables all forms of jumping potion effects. 3 seconds per level, max level 5
Shadowstep Teleports you to the block you are looking at when triggered. 5 block range per level max level 4. 30 second CD
Divine Shield Pressing shift 3 times quickly activates this enchant. You are immune from all damage for 3 seconds. 3 minute CD
Slowness Activates 1 second of slowness every time you hit your enemy. Max level 1
Fangs 5% chance to activate, summons a row of evoker fangs, damages anything in the way, possibly launching them into the air.

Helpful commands

Command Purpose
/for or /fortune Shows fortune level on a Pickaxe
/prestigious Shows your prestigious bonus on a Pickaxe
/worth Shows your Pickaxe, Fishing Rod, and Swords worth
/worth <enchant> Shows an enchant's worth on your Pickaxe, Fishing Rod, and Swords
/s frenzy Disables Frenzy Broadcast Messages
/s rampage Disables Rampage Broadcast Messages
/s Opens settings
/cu Toggles CrateUpgrader
/ku Toggles KeyUpgrader
/co Toggles CrateOrganizer
/ko Toggles KeyOrganizer
/emp Opens Empowerments Menu